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Sometimes I would love to believe that all tears of my body, that all the energy from my life would be enough... Sometimes I would love to trust when someone tells me that there is a light... Today I just can't believe. I can't believe in a light when what is shown to me is the black out...I need to feel to trust.



    We always have to believe in one light that never goes out my dearest friend. It's so often we feel this way as you describe.Just think of all that beautiful sunny days which are to come. Think of the brightest side of yourself. It's there. It's a treasure.You just need to clean your sight.
    Lots of love from rainy Athens!

  2. It is amazing that you posted this song that is so linked with the "reason" I wrote that...
    It seems that you are very often like the lighthouse of my sometimes too much dark ocean. Thanks for the light my sweet friend. It is priceless for me. Love. Séb xo

  3. light and dark are the two sides of the same coin called universe. light is positivity and dark is negativity.i am trying to think positive to get rid of dark. lets see how helpful it will be.

  4. I understand deeply what you mean...
    I would love to find back the positivity and the hope of my 21...
    What I learned from life is that you need to see bad paintings to really love good ones...
    I live with the idea that the darkness of this day will make me love more deeply the light coming back.
    And because from darkness, there is always a light coming, I will follow your diary....;)

  5. At 3h38 in the morning...I started to see a light...
    Patience is the the first step about lights...and I can be incredibly patient....;)

  6. thanks for being the first ever follower of my diary. thanks for your comment on my post. And yes being patient is the biggest secret to have a content life. keep following my diary and keep giving your valuable feedback.
