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Sometimes, reading the big book of our life's story, we realize that we can't continue to write the story until we are not ready to turn the page. During months, I didn't want to turn this page, scared I was to have to write again a new story. Those last weeks, life teached me that I should not be affraid, that to open this new page is not to start a new story but just to accept to open a new chapter in the same story. I feel happy and serene I am now able to understand it, able to trust in my capacity to face a white page. This new chapter in my life won't be the same of course, but I also feel that this new chapter could be more beautiful, deeper than the chapter before. This chapter will be written taking care of wrong things I wrote before, taking the experience of what I lived to make the new chapter a better chapter. It is the life story of a man learning and growing up a little bit day after day, not a great writer, just a man who trust deeply that this world will be again full of new beautiful things he will try to write with his simple words.

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