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As I always say, I am not a photographer, just a guy using a camera. I will never be a photographer...
I spent the most big part of my life to paint...painting was all my life, something able to absorb me completely during hours, days...
One day, I stopped all and burnt almost all my paintings for many reasons, complicated to explain, there was maybe 6 years now.
I know one day I will restart to paint. I need it, I need to find back a more physical way to create than with a camera, need to smell the paint, to feel it on my skin, to feel material under my finger tips. I still searching how I will do it, how to create something new, inspired by the past without to be just a copy of the past.
One day I will rebirth in painting...


  1. I need to see, to feel what rebirth can be, to smell perfume of life incoming, through memory of old legends lightening our days, nowadays. Just do it. Could be so good for you Seb'. Seeing your photos beautiful and pure, i assume it would be the constant firework we need from, to believe life is deep and beautiful.
