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The last day of this year, my last post for this year...
In few hours we will open a new page of the great book...
I wish we will all write magic stories on this new page...
Enjoy this changeover as you feel...drinking, eating, creating, making love, singing on a karaoke, trying to find back keys of your flat you can't remember where you let them, or just sleeping to wake up fresh to start the new page ha ha ha...
I wish you a lot of happiness and love for this new year !!!!



You tickled my soul so sweetly with your magic wing's tip that my heart keeps smiling from it...



Back to work...
I just feel trapped...
It doesn't make any sense...I can't continue in this way...
Money is important...but money can't be the only reason...



Today, I woke up with a moustache...and more particulary a Salvador Dali moustache style.
Those things happen more often than we can imagine,
Just need to be aware that it can happen...;)

PS : No worries, I am not a drug addict ha ha



My nights are more beautiful than your days ?
Whatever if it is night or day...what is important is to feel that the moment was wished...lighted by the sun or lighted by the moon...but over all lighted by love...



Slowly, steams from Christmas feast are evaporating... until the next Christmas feast...
Planned feast, planned happiness, planned turkey, planned chocolate...
Hard to make less spontaneous than Christmas events...



A special post in this special day for a special person to my heart...
Because you give me just the happiness to be...
Happy birthday my Noë !!

Ps : I wish I could be able to make a birthday cake...just to show a better side from me than my talents of singer^^



 It was me, kissing a little plastic Santa full of chocolate candies...more than 30 years ago...
Since, I love less Santa, still love the chocolate and discovered that to kiss a woman you love is like to live in a perpetual Christmas...



My favorite moment about Christmas ?
December 26th ..when people after several days of shopping, stress from having to deal with agitated children, sick from too much food, moody from family fights, hurted from oyster opening come back slowly to the reality going to find some drugs to the pharmacy.
Yes, Xmas suck...;)



Sometimes my life makes me feel like a squirrel running in the tangled branches of a tree with the constant risk of falling from the tree, but finally, I realize that even if it sometimes bit complicated, I always find "hazelnuts" that will make me feel happy ...;)



Je t' french...but I am sure I do not need to translate it...
1 J
2 E
1 A
1 I
1 M
1 T
1 '
8 characters and signs...We can reduce it to that...
I just can't do that...
When I say that I go to pee...I pee...
When I say to a person in front of me I love you...I do love this person...
Love can't be reduced into a mix of words and silences...Love is feelings that are living into acts...



We are just few days before "event" I don't enjoy so much...
It makes me think about someone who is not in my life since long years now, someone who from her sweetness, her open minded way to be, her fresh sense of humour was always able to transform even something as boring as  Christmas into a deep and sweet moment.
Today, I miss her, I miss this woman who gave me so much and who helped me to become the man I am today.
This woman was my Grand mother...

De bien loin aussi, je t'embrasse Mémère...



Sometimes you can feel that you have your own place on the bench and sometimes you get the feeling that you had a place on this bench just because the person who was initialy sitting there was away for a moment...


A kind of friday with a kind of flu...
Having a bowl of soup as brain...
Winter is the magic of the snow..but not just...



All disappears under the snow...all except my desire to illuminate with a smile moments of your life...


First snow...
To let me in the fridge is ok...
To expect to find me back being warm after that...a dream....



As far as I can remember, I always took train...using it to discover most of countries I visited...At some moments in my life, it was like a second home for me...a place I spent hours to think, to imagine...
To be in a train is very different than to be in a car, a bus, a plane. In a train, armchairs are not all turned in the same direction...Windows are always reflecting the inside like mirrors...And then, the train becomes a theater place...mix of reality and fantasm...
There is a very interesting way about how people interact in a train...directly, in thoughts, from glances...
The biggest part of my concept of artwork about eyes was build during train trips...but it is about a very long story it would take me too long to explain there now...something like a story about my life...



This not a photograph...
This is a second from something lived that is now frozen into an image...
This image is just an image, my words only words...
The only part of truth comes from how was this second of reality before to become an image...
It is important to make images about our lifes but not to transform our lifes into  images...

"Photography concentrates one’s eye on the superficial. For that reason it obscures the hidden life which glimmers through the outlines of things like a play of light and shade. One can’t catch that even with the sharpest lens. One has to grope for it by feeling." -

Franz Kafka - in 1921



First winter's bites...
Suddenly, all seem taking some rest to flower again in spring full of color and life...



Sur cette route, dans la nuit de l’hiver, rouler, rouler à en perdre l’essence du voyage…
Aller et revenir. Revenir sans avoir rien chercher, rien trouver.
Ne rien chercher.
Des kilomètres de questions  sans réponses à apporter  ou toujours la même réponse.
Fermer les yeux pour mieux les ouvrir sur mes pensées.
Et là, au détour d’un sentiment, sur le rebord de l’asphalte de ma nuit..Tu étais là…
Aller et venir...
J’ai beau faire des kilomètres, j’ai beau essayer de prendre les chemins de traverse, j’ai beau me perdre parfois,  le chemin qui guide les battements de mon cœur me conduit toujours vers la même destination…



Misted love...
Just a snapshot...kind of not well exposed photograph of a moment...
Want to get out from this foggy emotion...
It is just a snapshot...
To see the light...again...
To feel roots from things that we can't describe...
It is as simple as the desire to do it as risky as the desire to do it...



Most of time, I hate to deal with numbers, doesn't make any sense for me...except when mister Einstein gives this kind of example... :

“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity.”

Here it makes sense...;)



A pillow...
A pillow for dreams...
A pillow for pillow talk...
A pillow I could keep my head on the next 24 hours to catch up some rest...



© Greenpeace / Christian Åslund 

I hope we will never have to ask to our children to forgive us...
Our governments must face this huge responsability...
Them...but also all of us...because each single human being is a part of the problem and can be a part of the solution...
It is too late to just reject the reponsability to the neighbor...



Life is a little bit like to take a walk on the sidewalk of a street...
Sometimes you don't know what you will find at the corner...but the curiosity, the hunger, the desire, the love, the it as you want...make us walking...
We have all a reason to walk...a good one..even if sometimes it seems to be just a good reason for ourself...
This energy to have the desire to get to the corner is scary maybe...but so magic...



Un sourire rose et blanc perçant le bleu de ma nuit…
Je porte le rouge à mes lèvres…
Savoureuse palette d’émotion…



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Sometimes, life can give you kind of unexpected good surprises...good meetings...
This evening, I was in a small house, with people I worked with about an art project...
I was having a drink, listening this young guy playing guitare and singing in gipsy language with a such incredible voice. A very discret and humble guy, very nice...
I learned after a while that he is from the gipsy community...that he learned to play guitare alone in a caravan, listening the radio...
And then, I learned that this so discret guy is just one of little nephew of the great Django...
Sometimes, talent is like an incredible genetic thing...



More than 2 628 000 seconds have passed since ...
These 2 628 000 seconds have not deleted my smile when I think about it...There are memories that nothing can not erase...



Season off...



Need to broaden my horizon ...
Need no longer to see the green floor of my studio ...
Need a break, holidays ...
Fortunately they are coming soon ...;)