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Today here, as in many places in France, supermarkets were blocked by angry
farmers. Those farmers are producing milk that food industry buys from them for 20 cents a liter(30% less than it was 1 year). This anger is ok. It is ok for those farmers to wake up early, to work hard and to make money from their work. It is not ok, for food industry, try to get much more benefits again from people's work. It is ok to earn a lot of money, just to earn hundred thousands of euros each months is ridiculous. Who really needs to earn so much? for what? Even rich people have only one mouth and only one asshole, so they don't need to have enough money to buy as much food than thousands of "normal" persons. Fruit from work must be shared. If they can't understand that, it will happen to them what happened to the last king here who was unable to understand that his people were dying from starving.

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