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I am french and my mother language is french. For many reasons that I will not tell here, I write in english, a language I don't master completely, but a language that gives me a kind of freedom I don't feel the same about french.
Today, I took a look at some of my old exercise note books. This pic is taken from a grammatical exercise I made...I was maybe 10. It was full of mistakes of course, corrected in red by my teacher, of course...;)
To learn english make me feel like to restart this learning trip but with a huge difference. When I was a little boy, adults had the meaning of reasons why to learn french, now, I am learning and I am able to give by myself a meaning about it. The meaning we put in things is the key. I missed so many keys as a little boy, as so much children who are not so good at school. Now, I know and I want to open all doors...;)

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