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Tonight, I was remembering a very special moment in my life... It was during the summer 2007. I was on holidays, enjoying sun, quitting smoking. All was not so bad. And one day, I had a very bad hemorrhage. I started to be very sick, lost more than 10 kilos in less than 3 weeks...and during months, doctors were unable to find what happened... I saw in their glances that they were worried, without answers, not able to tell me if there was hope. During more than 2 months, I lived with the idea shared by my doctors that it could be a kind of rare cancer. For the first time of my life, I was in front of the concrete reality of my potential death. It is a strange feeling when you start to think that maybe you will not have time to make your dreams become true, when you think that you will not have time to take in your arms persons who are close to your heart. To have to deal with the idea about the death is a good lesson about life. Now, this story is just something from the past and I am in good health now. Since that, i just know that all can be over tomorrow, that life is now, that you must not wait to live. Right now, i am in a strange and not so easy moment in my life, but I am in good health, with a body and mind able to carry me where I want, so even in bad days, I know now that I am lucky, that I can and must enjoy life.

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